What to do with the Kids?

Well we’re stuck inside, or at least within the confides of our lawns. For the most part. I mean if the weather is nice enough you can still go on walks, until they tell us the virus is spread by air… Perish the thought. If you’re like most people than you have been informed that your kids schools will be closed for 2 to 3 weeks. And that that might get extended. It makes sense, after all I don’t know about you guys but the little ones are always the ones who first bring in any sickness(colds, stomach bugs, etc.) It does however leave you with the task of finding things to occupy your kids besides the TV. Below are just a few of my fav indoor activities!

Go on adventure!

We went on a desert adventure and had a blast doing it! We actually did this last year and the kids still talk about that time we went and pitched our tents next to the watering hole. We ate desert food(nuts, dried fruit, cheese and peta beard) and had our wine(grape juice and water) We dressed in costumes sat on cushions. It was a blast. So pick a location and make some memories!

Crafts everywhere!

I mean seriously! Break out the glue sticks, markers and create magic. We were making llamas and then since it’s St. Pat’s we made some pots o’ gold. Make a different craft everyday if you want. Anything to pass the time.


Just something else we’ve done since it’s fun and eats away at the time is baking cupcakes. It helps my anxiety!

Ah cream cheese icing… yummy!

Lots of love,


The Coronavirus: The Month the World Ended

Something tell the great grandkids…

Let me first say I am not a medical expert, or some survival guru. At this point the Covid-19 emergency has pretty much touched everyone’s lives. (Unless you are a survival guru, who lives out in the middle of no where and has been planning /preparing for this kinda of event for years… Yes, you were right- Congratulations!) Events, trips, schools, jobs, etc. have been canceled, have been indefinitely postponed, have been interrupted. Plus those of you who have gotten sick… I can’t imagine…

This whole thing has scared people stiff. If not from the virus itself, than from the panic of the panic. On Thursday morning my sister and I went out to do our normal grocery shopping and the panicking was just hitting the fan. We were able to snag some of the most coveted butt paper(which frankly doesn’t make sense to me. I mean you would think buying food would be a bigger concern than t.p. Think about it. If you ran out of t.p. what would you do? Jump in your fully functional shower and wash off… What happens if you run out of food? See my point?) But the charged air, the way people looked around with wild eyes and frantic faces- That was the scary part. Thankfully when I ventured out with a friend on Friday to do some more stock pilling(which again is a bit dumb in my opinion) people were less crazed. They were smiling, saying “excuse me” and nervously laughing about the end of the world. Cause it still is scary, it still is out of the norm and could potentially get worse before it gets better.

All this being said I really watched the kids on Friday. Schools were just about to close, after school events had already been canceled for the foreseeable future and little, inquiring minds were wondering why. But what to tell them? How to explain it to them and not scare them silly? Honestly honest is best. They’re not stupid, they can tell something is going on and trying to hide it from them is only going to add to their confusion and fear. This honesty of what is happening should be followed up with more truth, more honesty. Namely that God is sovereign and even in an increasingly scary world He is not scared. This hasn’t shaken Him, or surprised Him. And as His children He has told us not to be afraid. Not to worry about what we’ll eat, or wear. That He will take care of all of this. Below is a post I shared on FB Thursday amidst the crazy:


I observed that it was the teenagers and older kids, who were the most afraid. Probably because they can grasp the full wait if things were to turn south. They may act tough and like they’re unconcerned but they’re still kids. Just keep that in mind.

Anyway these are just some of the thoughts that have been tumbling through my mind as all of this is developing. Until next time…

Lots of love,


Nannying When Parents on Vacation

Man it is has been an age since I did a “nanny”’ themed post! I mean it is the whole premise behind my blog- Geez! Oh well better late than never.

In this post I wanted to give a crash course to my fellow nannies, you aspiring nannies and those of you who are just curious how being a nanny works. For those of you just joining me on my crazy and amazing adventure as an unofficial Mary Poppins– Welcome! I highly recommend you go back and read some of my other posts on nannyhood here, here and here. But if you don’t have time for that I will give you a very quick recap of where we are at.

So I have been a professional, live-in nanny for two years. I work for a private family and help take care of their six children. Yes, you read that right. I use the words professional to differentiate myself from fellow caretakers, who are only doing this through their college years(I highly recommend this line of work for anyone who is trying to make it through college) or until they can get their dream job. This is my dream job. My chosen career field. I am not just doing this to bid time to do something else. Unless I get married(which ain’t happening anytime soon) or the Lord comes back, I will be doing this. (If the Lord wills too, obliviously)

Also I am a live-in which is another thing that sets me apart from other caretakers. It is exactly what it sounds like. I live with the family I work for(at this point you should really go back and read my other posts which cover these points in detail… I’m just saying) I travel with them when they go on vacation, I’ve spent holidays with them, etc.

Which catches us up to spend on what happens when it is a parents only trip. I thought it would be a good idea to share this since it is something I have done on multiple occasions. I mean parents every once and a while want some alone time and want to go places children won’t enjoy. And definitely wouldn’t be enjoyable for anyone else if they did. So what does this look like? What does my life/schedule look like when the parents are gone?

More Hours…

I mean this is a no brainer. Obviously with the parents gone I am expected to be in the house every night at a specific time so the live out nanny(which I have covered why they have a secondary nanny here) can stop working. Also weekends(which yes I work every weekend) become like a 24-hours of working. I mean yeah, so my schedule gets added on to. It’s kinda of like when I go on vacation with them. I work a lot.

Security Mode…

So I am a very cautious, overly suspicious person by upbringing. I lock doors, my car… My everything! I mean my Dad has worked in the personal protection business for over three decades, so it’s kind of in grained in my subconscious. That being said when I am responsible for six kids I take that seriously. I am fully aware that if the absolute worst happens I am that last line of defense. That is something you need to consider if you are thinking of pursuing this kind of career. There may be times where you have to fill that role of protector. Just use common sense and pay attention to what’s going on around you.

Lots of Driving…

I already do a lot of driving. School runs, after school runs- Ya get it. Add to that weekend activities and church, you get the picture of what my life will look like… Lots of driving.

Okay class any questions? As always if you have any questions about nannyhood, or how to get into this career field, or just help now that you are in it- Please do not hesitate to leave a comment, or DM me on any of my social media accounts. You can send me an email I just might take longer to reply. Until next time my lovelies!

Lots of love,


My Thoughts on Nannying for 2 yrs.

It’s crazy to think about, but it’s been two years since I started this incredible journey. Two years since my childhood dreams started coming true and doors started opening. Even now when I think back to how everything started and came about, I think, “This is totally a God thing.” All the things that could have gone wrong, or at least have been uncomfortable, how they all just fell perfectly into place… Only God can do things like that. Which is totally humbling and comforting. Because is what I do for a living really effecting the whole world, or is it so important? No it’s not. But God loves to answer prayer, He loves for us to know that He cares about the details and not just the big picture. He wants to bless us(when we’re obedient) In fact He loves too. (Now this does not mean your life is going to be easy- not at all- No where in the Bible does it say you are going to get everything you want. The Bible actually tells us that the world is going to be hard and that they are going to hate believers “but take courage I have overcome the world”) You read these promises in the Bible but when you see them… It’s AMAZING!!

Anyway I thought I would take this opportunity of reflection to go over a few things I would say to myself two years ago…

Start small, you’ll get there…

When I first started I think the only things I could handle was making breakfast and making sure the children didn’t die. After two years my responsibilities have grown to handle buying all the kids clothes, handling all they’re after school activities and a bunch, a bunch of other stuff. But these extra responsibilities were things that had to grow naturally. So my advice to young beginner me would be, “start small. Get good at the things you are in charge of now and then the rest will come… because it will come.” You’ll wonder what you did your first days.

Don’t take things so personally…

Not every cirque is a personal jab at you as a person. I have come to realize I internalize most everything. So if my boss finds fault in something I worked the whole day on, or doesn’t like an idea for the kids I thought was awesome. Or if I misheard an instruction, or something I helped plan didn’t work, I take that failure personally. I use it as mark of my skill and intelligence and when it’s negative I let that churn inside me. Either where I become angry and silently fume(which is not a good response as it breeds animosity) or I feel like a totally failure. None of this is a healthy way to approach work stress. Which leads me to my next point…

Speak up for yourself…

Sometimes I am held responsible for the outcome of events that aren’t my fault, whether because of poor communication or pure innocence of any involvement. My bosses are human and since I am standing in front of them, they can throw a lot of their stress and frustration on me. This isn’t fair and it isn’t right, but nine times out ten it really has nothing to do with me. (Thankfully this does not happen all the time, but like I said my bosses are human and have bad days) When I first started here I wouldn’t respond. I would just internalize it and then go find some hidden corner and cry like a baby. My Mom kept pushing me to stand up for myself and confront them, when I was blamed for things that weren’t my fault. The first time I did was terrifying and I cried like a baby(so embarrassing) And do you know what? My boss hadn’t even realized what she’d done and she was so sorry. She told me how her day had been awful and she hadn’t realized she was taking it out on me. She asked me to forgive her and I did and the situation was resolved and not left to fester a wedge between us.

*Now this didn’t make the next time I had to speak up necessarily easier, but I did do it sooner. Wanting the situation dealt with quickly as opposed to stewing in it. Also there are sometimes when you just need to let things slide. If you’re really not to blame for a situation it will come out eventually. And if not the Lord knows and you should be working for Him anyway.

It’s not all on you…

I came face to face with this point last week and even while it was happening I realized that this is the same exact situation I was writing about in my post. I had work five 12-hour days in a row and was to the point of mental exhaustion, when my boss told me I was needed to cover two or three hours on my day off. I realized there was no way to refuse, however I did want my boss to know that I was tired and I didn’t want to cover it, but I would since there didn’t seem to be an other option. I almost cried over the thought of working those two small hours and if she had asked me at any other time I wouldn’t have balked. Being a live-in is being flexible. That being said you do need to realize that you’re a human and sometimes you just get tired and need to rest. This is when you stand up for yourself and you be honest and be honest with yourself that it’s not all on you. You don’t have to fix every situation, or cover every hour. Refuse if you can, if you can’t go with it but tell them how you are feeling. Don’t just be a doormat. Thankfully my bosses were able to cover the two hours themselves(taking pity on me) and I now feel more human after two days completely off.

Enjoy every second, life goes by fast…

The last bit of wisdom I would pass on to myself; would be to enjoy every minute, because life goes by so fast. Babies become toddlers, toddlers become little boys, little boys become teenagers, colleagues become friends, bosses become mentors and a five year plan becomes a two year plan(more on my long term goals later) Seconds tick by, minutes fly and hours zoom past. Days become weeks and years and lifetime. It’s crazy but it’s true.

What’s some advice you would give to your younger self? Or some things you have learned through the years? Please leave any comments below and don’t forget to subscribe and follow the social media links.

Lots of love,


Closing Thoughts on 2019

The decade is ending and a new one is just beginning. A lot has happened since 2010. I’ve coasted through my teen years, muddled through high-school and graduated(crazy!). I got my first job and quit my first job. I got my dream job and moved away from home. I’ve flown across the country and across the world. I’ve bought two cars… Which sucks. I’ve been blessed with an Izzy Ellen and a George.

Look how little George is… he’s a baby fish.

I’ve started a blog(crazy again) and gone on some crazy adventures because of it. I’ve made friends and lost a few. I became an aunt!! I’ve cried over things I can’t remember and laughed so hard with loved ones that I’ll never forget. I’ve become obsessed with coffee and sitting in coffee shops. I’ve seen eight broadway musicals(I could literally die!)

I would like to say I’ve learned a lot; like being more comfortable with who I am and content with where I am(well not all the time, but I’m only human). I would like to say I’ve learned to know when to fight for myself and when to let things slide. That I’ve stretched myself out of my comfort zone and made myself participate with people. (Yuck! Just kidding) But most of all I want to say that I have grown closer to God and have learned more about Him. And I think the most important thing that I have learned in the past decade is no matter what, God is in control. He will do what He wants, when He wants to do it. And it‘s always more than I could have even thought of, or dreamed of having, or doing. Or how could that possibly turn out for good. Sometimes I miss out on something I think I surely should have and I may never know why. I guess what I am trying to say is God is all that matters. I don’t, my wants don’t, my timetable doesn’t- Only Him.

So yes the world around us is crappy and it is only going to get worse, but God is good and He never changes. So bring on 2020 and let His will be done.

Let’s do this!

Lots of love,


Mary Poppins at Christmas

What does a nanny’s life look like during the Christmas season?

Glad you asked! Crazy. That’s what a nanny’s life looks like at Christmas time. Just like everyone else at Christmas time things get a bit… much. From holiday parties to Christmas school recitals to juggling your own holiday itinerary- things go from busy to really, really, really busy.

It never fails that all the kids’ recitals, parties and school events happen the same week, if not on the same day.(along with all of yours of course) It never fails that something always, always happens when trying to decorate the house for Christmas, so then you can’t decorate it for Christmas and are still decorating it a week out. And it’s also guaranteed that everyone is going to get sick right before Christmas… including you. These things are just a given.

The biggest stressor for me(and I hesitate to say that, since I actually do some what enjoy this) is Christmas wrapping. My room literally becomes Santa’s workshop and I his little helper. I can wrap about twenty gifts in an hour and half given no interruptions. It’s skill I never knew would become some important in my life.

During the holiday season your employers will probably be feeling the strain and so one of your chief jobs is to be as calm and collected as you can. The kids can easily pick on the stress around them, so as best as you can try not to get your feathers rustled. Go with the flow. The last thing you want to do is add stress upon the stress they already have. It’s actually your job to lessen their to-do list not lengthen it.

At Christmas time a nanny does a lot of ferrying back and further and becomes more like a chauffeur. A nanny listens to the endless Christmas songs sung by sweet voices as they practice for their recitals. You read the same Christmas stories over and over again until you can read them in the dark and backwards.

But most important, at Christmas time a nanny loves her kiddos and shares with them the true meaning of Christmas and how much God loved them to send His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for them. Yes there are many important things a nanny does at Christmas time, but this is the most important of all.

Merry Christmas!


Christmas Top Ten: Eighteen&Below

Only two more of these blasted posts left! Yay!! Who’s excited? (Me) Who thought I wouldn’t get these done? (Also me)

  • Hangman’s Curse & Nightmare Academy– Continuing a theme we started in our last post, books are a gateway to so many amazing things and so many hours of amazing adventure.
  • Cranium– Probably the best game ever invited (my personal opinion of course) this game is loads of fun! Seriously… Seriously.
  • An Angel’s Story– I present to you the Christmas book stocking stuffer for this list. A Christmas tale with a little more grip, which is enthralling from the first page. Love it!
  • Clothes- From sassy graphic t-shirts to name brand threads, no teen will ever say “nah” to clothes.
  • Gift Cards- Since teens can be hard to shop for skip the drama and give the gift of a shopping trip. Again they will never say “nah” to this.
  • Nerf Axes– What is it with boys and twirling things/throwing things/hitting each with things? At least these are padded.
  • Stationary- Put their names on it and them matching gel pens and markers and stickers and so and so and so. Just let the creative juices flow! Maybe it’s just me, who was always scribbling on loose pieces of paper(still do) but I loved getting notebooks and pens for Christmas.
  • A Day Out- Something a friend of mine is getting in the tradition of giving her kids, instead of gifts are experiences. Whether it’s a weekend getaway, or a night to the theater(or movies), or a trip to a museum. They grow out of things and clothes and likes, but quality time with you is irreplaceable.
  • LEGOs- Again! Cause who doesn’t like LEGOs?
  • Funko POP Figures- These adorable little figures of their favorite movie, TV, and game characters are fun gifts that are highly addictive. (Why are they so sticking cute?!)

Lots of love,


Christmas Top Ten: 3yrs Old&Under

Merry gift giving season! Well I hope you all had a very nice and wonderful Thanksgiving. This is the first of four Top Ten posts of my picks for the gifts for the kiddos in your life. Hopefully I can get all of these done. Just when I think I have time, time gets busy. You know what I mean. That’s why today you will be getting two, since I meant to put one up yesterday, but alas it did not.

  • LEGO Big Blocks Bucket- Because who doesn’t love LEGOs? They provide hours and hours or entertainment; simply build a really tall tower and then knock it over… Again and again and again. Hours of hilarity will follow.
  • Wooden Train Set- Much like the item above a wooden train set is guaranteed to get played with a lot. Even more so if your engine is self propelled like this one.
  • Stacking Pyramid– Much like the LEGOs nothing beats stacking something really tall then knocking it over. Stacking cups or star or squares are sure to get giggles from your little person. By the way this is a very cool set.
  • Bath Toys- Probably my favorite entry on this list are the bath toys! No kid is exempt from taking baths so here are some great Christmas gifts to get the bubbles following and the giggles going: finger paint soap, foam bath alphabet, splash toys, and finally the shaving set.
  • Big Ball- I mean this one isn’t complicated at all, but boy is it fun! Just a get them a huge red ball to bounce, sit on, roll around on. Sometimes the classics are classic for a reason.
  • The Grinch Stole Christmas – Speaking of classics our Christmas book entry for this age group is the tale of a Grinch who hates Christmas. I’m pretty sure you know this beloved story and if you don’t than you need to go and purchase said book for yourself.
  • Fisher Price Nativity Scene- Word to the wise if you order this months before Christmas it is significantly cheaper. This toy can be pulled out Christmas after Christmas with the same result. Plus it’s a perfect sag way into the real Christmas story.
  • Crayons and Coloring Book- Again really rather simple but always one of my fav gifts to get growing up; a new coloring book and a huge box of crayons. This is something that could easily be carried over to the next age group as well. Super simple and maybe could be that extra stocking stuffer you needed.
  • Giant Stuffed Animal- I mean the one above might be a little extreme(we found it Kohl’s by the way) but hay if you wanted a show stopping Christmas gift this would certainly do the trick.

That’s it I guess. I know these aren’t crazy unique gifts or anything, but from experience I know these gifts actually get loved and played with. Stay tuned later today for our second post. Until next time…

Lots of love,


Top Ten Kids Christmas Gifts: 2019 Edition

It’s crazy to think that it’s that time of year again. Time to bring out the tinsel and the plastic Christmas tree. Of course Christmas for me starts in early October as the kiddos Christmas presents start arriving in the daily post. My room starts to resemble Santa’s workshop fast. Who would have thought wrapping presents would be a markable skill in the workforce. Thanks mom for the expert training. She’s obviously lots better than me, but then again she’s had a lot more practice. Totally going off on a merry-go-round train of thought here, but this makes me think of the year Santa(mom) didn’t wrap presents and instead they were all just pilled up in separate areas for each kid. At the time I was confused why Santa “ran out of time” to wrap my and my siblings gifts, but today I’m amazed she only missed one year! I mean, I think my kids might never get wrapped gifts. Ha!

Anyway bringing our thoughts back around to Christmas and the gift giving season I am planning on doing a series of posts dealing with my top gifts to give the ankle grabbers in your life. Whether you be a nanny, Granny or Mom(or dad, grandpa)

I’m giving you this entry post before the actual season starts so you guys can get prepared. I hate how stores and the general populace just go straight from Halloween to Christmas and completely skip Thanksgiving(my fav holiday by the way). I guess it’s hard to celebrate Thanksgiving without being thankful to someone(a.k.a. God) So I won’t be posting any other posts about Christmas until after November 28th, but after that guys be prepared to be over whelmed by holiday cheer!!

How are these posts going to work? I am planning on doing four top ten posts each list dealing with a different age group. In the end you’ll have 40 amazing gift ideas that are Nanny Approved! I will have them up the first two weeks of December so you’re not totally left without time to actually purchase these treasures. However for you last minute shoppers it might give you some inspiration. And guys none of these posts are sponsored(I just started blogging- Sponsors haven’t found me yet and probably never will) so these are just my honest opinions and normally have to do with products I’ve actually handled or have given myself.

Anyway enough rambling. Look out for the first post in this mini series coming December 2019.

Lots of love,


When Nannying Goes Wrong Prt. Two

Back in August we covered what happens if your back-up quits and you have to work more or different hours. This time around we’re gonna cover what happens if you are getting worked to death by your employeers.

  • It Happans Too Easily- I think the biggest thing to realize is that this problem can and does happen far too easily in this line of work. Or any line of work that deals with being a part of someone’s home life. (personal assistant, house keeper, chauffeur, body guard, etc.) It’s easy to slip into the mentality that you’re needed and it can’t possibily be done without you, both on your side and the part of your employeers. Yes that’s right you can put the pressure on yourself to always be helping(working). So how do you keep from slipping into this trap? How do you keep yourself and your employeers from working you to death?
  • Communication- This is it! If you don’t get anything else from this post this is the point you need to know! Communication, communication, communication. Your boss might not realize you are feeling over worked and under appreciated unless you say something. Then again your boss may realize they are asking a lot of you, but hay you’re not complaining so what’s the problem? I have a very good relationship with my bosses, that doesn’t mean I haven’t had difficult discussions with them. I’ve had to tell them I’m feeling overwhelmed and over worked. Nine times out of ten they either didn’t realize it or did and were going to approach me about it. But what if your work relationship with your employeers isn’t so tight or familiar? And it isn’t so easy to talk with them about this issue?(trust me I am not a confortational person so this is something I’ve had to learn)
  • Keep it Professional- In the end you are the employee and they are the employeer. Yes you have a lot to do with their family/home life, but at the end of the day it’s a job. Nothing more. If it’s really that bad where you can’t talk to your boss and you’re getting over worked… You can get another job. If you are under a contract to work a certain amount of time, fulfill your contract(obviously there are some cavats here, for example: your boss is being physically or emtionally abusive, or you feel unsafe at work- then just quit!) and move on to the next family. Keeping it professional and keeping bounderies on your time-off or vacation time is vital, but it’s something you need to set at the beginning. Don’t be a door-mat just to get brownie points with your new boss. If you give an inch it’s very easy for them to take a mile. Now don’t hear me say that they’re all evil and some how maliciously using you(some bosses do, but definitly not all) because most likely they’re probably not. This ties back in to my point above; if you’re not communicating what your bounderies are then they are going to think asking you to work all these extra hours is okay. Being honest and up front from the get-go is so important!
  • Defend Yourself- Another key thing to remember is you might be the only one in this boat. You might be the only nanny, the only in-house employee. Does this make a difference? Yeah it sure does! First off you can’t form a union… Okay totally joking here, but in one sense, yeah you can’t. In the thick of a difficult situation it’s hard to see you’re being mistreated or misused. You can get very emtional and it’s hard to find perspective. It’s also hard if you’re like me and you think I’m the only one whose feeling this way, so why rock the boat? Listen if you are not going to take care of yourself and communicate and be professional about your job than your boss probably isn’t going to do that for you either. Keep track of how many extra hours you’re working, try your hardest not to respond to texts or emails on your days off, be smart and honest when they ask you to work extra, tell them when it’s too much. It’s a job! Another good idea is to get an outsider’s opinion. Ask for advice, you don’t have to conquer the world alone.

I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions at all about this or other nanny topics leave a comment down below, message me via any of my social media accounts or shoot me an email at: nannysnotebook@gmail.com

Lots of love,
